jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


There are various theories about aging. They explain what the reason for the physiological changes of aging is. Within biological theories of aging genetic theory exists.
The genetic theory claims that the genetic factor is an important determinant of the aging process.
There are many diseases in which the genetic factor is crucial for the offspring to have the disease. And many diseases like breast cancer, where there is a lot to do with genetics but I think that is not fully demonstrated that it is hereditary.
As I read about this cellular aging theory it will be dependent on the age-progressive loss of genetic material at the ends of chromosomes. When cells reproduce in the organism, the telomere is shortened and the result is cellular aging.

I have read and thought about this theory as it states that exposure to several factors accelerate cellular reproduction and it also accelerates telomere loss. So you have to try not to have overexposure to the sun and radiation, besides avoiding stress and tobacco as they affect in the same way to the body.
As cited above, and more factors accelerate the aging process.

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